Ima samo 14. godina a njegova krhka pleća nose teret najtežeg posla za koji njegovi vršnjaci i ne znaju da postoji. Marko Bojat sa Borika već ima zavidan težački staž i jedan je od najmlađih rabažija Sjemećkog kraja . On svaki slobodan dan kad ne ide u školu prvodi radeći sa ocem u šumi. Kaže da je teško zaraditi ovako za hljeba i da ima samo jednu želju. Pogledajte koju…
He is only 14 years old and his fragile shoulders carry the burden of the hardest job that his peers do not even know exists. Marko Bojat from Borik already has an enviable work experience and is one of the youngest rabbis in the Semej region. He spends every free day when he doesn't go to school working with his father in the woods. He says it’s hard to make money like this for bread and that he only has one wish. Look which one…